
The handouts listed include summaries, flow-charts, and directions for appliance fabrication. I hope they will help you understand the topics included below and navigate through the diagnostic and treatment planning protocols. There are instructional guides on how to manage challenging cases as well as the seemingly simple treatments. You will also find how-to guidelines on fabricating appliances for specific treatments. These handouts are available to anybody interested and free to download.

OB/OJ Discrepancies - Dx and Tx Options

Gummy Smile - Diagnostic Questions

Managing a segment of missing teeth

Canine Impaction - Dx and Tx Options

Impacted Canine - Ballista Spring

Fixed Retention for Missing Lateral Incisors

Gummy Smile - Diagnostic Flow Chart

Intrusion - non-periodontally compromised teeth

Mousetrap appliance - canine impaction - palatal

Intrusion - periodontally compromised teeth

Managing deep overbites

Orthodontic management of pegged lateral incisors